Connecting Entrepreneurs to the Colorado Startup Community

The heart of Colorado Startups is connecting entrepreneurs to one another and the greater startup ecosystem. The three Social Groups (LinkedIn, Slack, and Facebook) are open for any entrepreneur to join and are the best way to network within Colorado’s startup community.

The groups can be used to find events, find mentors, find talent, request help, offer help, create polls, and celebrate wins!

Social Groups

Colorado Startups supports 10,000+ startup members (“Startupers”) across various social groups. All members are part of building companies and helping each other grow. The social groups are free to join and help entrepreneurs meet each other and get connected within the greater startup community.


Promote Event

Promoting your event to three social groups increases community visibility and attendance. Share your event with the community and connect with other entrepreneurs.

Offer + Request Help

Whether you need to ask for a recommendation, find an expert, or offer help to other entrepreneurs, the social connect groups can be used for receiving and giving help.

Find Mentors

Entrepreneurship is a journey best traveled with a guide. Entrepreneurs can also use the social groups to find mentors or give back as a mentor.


Find Talent

Finding great talent is critical to the success of a startup. Entrepreneurs can post their job openings, for free, in the social groups.

Create Polls

Crowdsourcing information has become an effective ways to make decisions. The “Poll” feature is a great way to survey the community.

Celebrate Wins

Celebrate your wins! Entrepreneurs can use social groups to celebrate project completions, funding rounds, or new team members.

Posting Guidelines

The social groups are a great way to network with the startup community. Each social group (LinkedIn, Slack, and Facebook) has its own guidelines for posting.

Posts must be from a community member (not an assistant, PR specialist, or marketer). The purpose of the social groups is to connect entrepreneurs and the greater startup community. The highest engagement comes when community members post directly about whatever they want to share.

If you need to update information on any post you make, please edit the original post in the group instead of posting a new one. Editing a single post prevents duplicates, and the post can be edited as often as necessary to update the information.

Have a question about the Social Groups?